Who would have believed that spring would have come rushing in so fast and with such furry…kinda’ sounds like a winter storm on the other end of the spectrum, which it has been!!! Ahh to have that wonderful sun, warm temperatures, flowering trees and shrubs and that lovely spring green instead of cold and drab browns has been fabulous! However it has put the gardens in overtime along with everyone here at Stepping Stones Garden in order to stay up with what I’ll call a new ‘symphony’. Then out of the blue we have today…rainy and cold! And because of that I can get this long overdue blog off to all of you. You gotta’ love it!!! All part of a garden wedding venue’s life.

The gardens have been planted for our romantic weddings and mowing has just become a regular operation again. I had to laugh when we had the irrigation turned on and running almost 2 months early. The next few weeks are all about the tent going up, lights being strung, the buffing and polishing and the garden baskets growing to their splendor.

We are so excited for our first wedding just around the corner and then the Skagit Wedding Society tour. The tour is June 7th so mark your calendars. It will give you a great opportunity to see Skagit County venues and vendors in action. For those of you who have booked the venue the tour is free (a way the venues can say thank you), for those who are still looking you can purchase your tickets on line on the Skagit Wedding Society. I am looking forward to seeing familiar friends and meeting some new ones.

AND finally, for the last few blogs I’ve been mentioning the unveiling of something new at Stepping Stones Garden. So what could it be you ask? It has been a construction project and we are just putting down our tile floors this weekend. So what could it be you ask? I do believe it is something that both you and your guest will truly appreciate. So what could it be you ask? Okay, okay, it’s time to spill the beans…. It is not one, but two, indoor bathrooms.

Give us a call and come take a tour if you can’t wait until June 7th!


Kendra and the boys

June 27, 2023


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